Months later, I went to attend a writing class and felt the urge to use the pen so I finally inked it and used it during our writing exercises.
My Parker Vector and my first bottle of Quink black.
Later on, when I got interested in buying Moleskine notebooks, I also became interested in getting more fountain pens. But I have just moved into my apartment and money had to go elsewhere and so I could not afford to add more to the Vector to start a collection. It was only until early this year when I was able to get another, a blue Inoxcrom Vivaldi. Even that cannot be considered a 'serious' pen by purists. Then again, I cannot collect vintage pens now. Not yet. So I focused on the 'fancy' types of fountain pens, especially the ones from Inoxcrom and Rotring.
Here are my Inoxcrom Vivaldis. The blue one has my name engraved on its barrel. I'll get the pink one later on to complete the trio.
And then two Saturdays ago, I went malling with a friend and got myself these three. (Yes, I got three fountain pens in a day.)
Top to bottom: My Rotring Core Rubidium, a red Inoxcrom Vivaldi, and a P-200, another Inoxcrom. Among the three, only the Rubidium has been inked.
Above are my five fountain pens. I'll be getting more later. More reds, more blues, more... Yellows? Greens? Basta more...
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